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What can you do in 1 day in Prague?

Prague is a fascinating city that is easily explored on foot in just 1 day. But if you only have 24 hours there what are the highlights that you must do?
Table of contents

Old Town Square

The Old Town Square, a medieval focal point of Prague
The Old Town Square is a medieval focal point of the city of Prague
No itinerary for Prague, whether 24 hours or 7 days, is complete without this number 1 stop. From wherever you are staying head over to the Old Town square and just take in the surrounding views. Medieval buildings surround this square, including the town hall, partially demolished by military action in WWII.

Arrive just before the hour and you will see hundreds of tourists gathering to watch the spectacle of the Astronomical Clock. Every hour this puts on a little display for the gathered tourists, whatever time of the day you visit. It's easy to find, but to make it easier: dose.puzzled.rips

Astronomical Clock

Close up of the Astronomical Clock in Prague's Old Town Square
The hourly show at the Astronomical Clock is a popular tourist spot, 24 hours per day!
It's also worth actually visiting the clock, either after you've watched is perform or if you get there with 30 minutes to spare. The entrance is off the square, just to the left of the clock as you look at it, and for a small fee you can ascend to the top of the tower and wander around to take in an early view of the city. Get your timing right and you see (and hear) the hourly show from inside, but that's more for those who've seen it from below already.

Street Market

The Havelske Trziste market, a traditional market in Prague
The Havelske Trziste is a traditional street market in place for almost 800 years/
From the clock turn around and there's an alleyway (///dramatic.fonts.charge). Follow this alleyway as it opens up into a road and before long on the right you will see a street market. It's there all day, every day, and sells a mixture of tourist and local goods. It's worth a quick nose around, maybe finding a few souvenirs in the stalls and shops.

Either in this market or as you leave it, there are plenty of tourist type shops where you can pick up the Prague mole or some Tatratea and Becherovka, a couple of Czeck / Slovak spirits. And we'll be back later in this itinerary for more local sprits.

Wencelas Square

A wide view on Wencelas Square
Wencelas Sqaure is one of the main retail areas.
Good King Wencelas... I'm sure you've heard of him at Christmas and here's the square named after him. Continue along the road you left the Old Town Square on and through a lot of tourist shops. It's only a short walk from the Old Town Square and probably not that much to see here unless the Christmas Markets are in town, but it's still a sight to see.

If you have time in your day trip you can wander this square, which is pedestrianised one end but not once you pass the trams. There's lots of tourist shops, familiar names and bars plus the odd cafe in the middle at the far end.

Lunch in Czech Kitchen

This is one of my gems of Prague and whether you are there a day or a week it's worth stopping for lunch with the locals. Head back on yourself towards the Old Town and when you see the street market (this time it's on your left) look a little way to the right and you will see this traditional eatery (///breeding.flap.mute). It opens for lunch time and there will probably be a short queue if you are there early. When you enter you are given a slip of paper. Take this paper to any of the counters, look at the menus (which have pictures so you don't need to worry about translations) to make your choices, tell the assistant what you want and they will give you the food or drink and mark your slip of paper. Find a space on a table to eat, possibly joining a local, then when you are finished you exit via a pay station and settle up what is usually a very small bill

To me, trying the local food is a must when somewhere so interesting.

Land Train

The land train will take you around some of the highlights
The land train will whisk you quickly around top sights of the city.
Continue heading back to and through the Old Town Square and over to the road that runs along one side and you'll find a land train. All ages will enjoy this land train which takes you through the streets of Prague, over the river Vltava and up to the castle on the other side. Although it is a round trip, you can hop off here to explore the castle or continue back if prefer.

Prague Castle

On a one day trip you probably won't have time to go into the cathedral, but you can certainly wander around the top of the castle and take in the view of the city from this elevated point. There's loads of photo opportunities and you can pop your head into some of the buildings and there's a cafe outside at the back of the building.

Slivovice Museum

The Slivovice Tour is a must!
From the castle descend the path heading North East; from the Old Town follow the road to the river (with the church to the right as you leave the square) and over the bridge. Head towards the Slivovice Museum ///glee.noise.ember for a treat... In a longer Prague visit I'd encourage you to enjoy the full museum experience, but in a 24 hour itinerary then just the tasting is what you'll probably be able to squeeze in. Head to the bar at the back of the shop, browse a menu and choose one of the tasting experiences.

For as little as 135 CZK (about £5) you get 3 shots of slivovice and personally I prefer the honey drink so will choose a selection including that one. Or if you are feeling a bit more adventorous and you can taste 5 shots (I highly recommend...) and there's also the option to add in a few finger foods at 22 CZK each.

It's easy to spend an hour here sipping drink and nibbling food, then head into the shop, if it's still open, and buy a bottle to take home. I recommend the honey slivovice... Certainly a good way to end your afternoon in Prague.


The Medieval Night is a lively evening of entertainment
The Prague Medieval night is an evening of fun.
Bars, night clubs, restaurants... Take your pick. There are plenty of pizza and pasta style restaurants to take your pick from, but there are also a lot of traditional restaurants. There's many good restaurants to choose from so after a day of walking the streets it's more a case of finding one close to your hotel than charging over the city.

And if you return...

Although it is a compact city you cannot see it all in a day. If you get to come back then there's the Charles Bridge, evening concerts, boat trips and day trips to entertain yourself with. But the above is certainly a way of seeing the main popular areas alongside a few not so well known gems in a 1 day itinerary.

Hopefully that whets your appetite for a longer visit.